Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Meal for one please

As JLO has been away this whole week, I've been addicted to food-for-one meals and eating plenty of green salad (lux leaves only of course!). It's amazing how much one person can eat; my weekly shop managed to fit into one bag. One. The rice cooker must feel neglected by now but should be quaking in it's little made-in-china holder as JLO returns tomorrow to continue what appears to be his mission to turn into a giant rice grain.

I've always wanted to appear on a supermarket sweep sort of game show. How fun it would be to sweep the shelves dry and not care about being judged that I have taken not one, not 2, but 3 packets of toilet paper. Heh. The Asian in me shines through.

So, I've been sampling the meals for one that various supermarkets have on offer and there is so much choice here compared to Sydney, it's really appalling to think of what was on offer in Coles. Tonight I had a seafood pie (which had proper prawns, salmon, cod and topped with mashed potato), a great mix of salad leaves, and some excellent smoked salmon. Under £10 for all of that! Plus walking into an M&S food always feels like an after-work food joint where the wealthy but not too pretentious social-class-A-group type people shop. Everyone is so well dressed I feel like a hobo sometimes. In other words, I don't feel like I'm going to get caught up in a hold up or get rolled while purchasing some brioche, or some figs, or a bottle of wine, or fresh lemonade, or cheese... What was I saying?

Anyway, on the matter of the battle of the supermarkets: M&S food wins. That is all.


  1. You need to come here. I have meals for one so often it's ridiculous how much soup, porridge and soup noodles I've consumed in the last year. Coles is still better than here. Notice my food is now more Asian. My micro/oven is so tiny my stew pot won't fit In it! Nor a proper lamb roast!!!!! I miss Coles. And my nice proper oven. And grill :(
    Come here and I'll cook us something yummy for two!!!!!!

  2. You don't have a proper oven?! /shock /horror.. I can't imagine of all people you don't have one! I guess you have better street food and unhealthy take away there though, plus its infinity yummier :) How come so many loner meals? Is KJ hard at work earning diamonds.. is your pic from yonks-blog ago?
    Wish I was there, I will see you very briefly at the end of this month! xo
